What makes an archive?How do we archive the story of a year? Most of us are custodians of some thread of shared memory – whether personal, in the family, community, society, or larger. And memories are sited and anchored often in tangible and intangible objects. So what makes an archive? What are the invisible powers involved in the making and naming of memory projects as archives? Who has access to them, and who decides? What kinds of stories become told through archives, and what stories are muted?

This DIY Archive Kit is funded by the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program from funds of the German Federal Foreign Office (AA), and draws from some of the conversation at the MDA Living Archives workshop, developed in collaboration with Beth Yahp and Fiona Lee of the University of Sydney. 

We are crowdsourcing material to be included in our 2020 archive. Submit your entry to the archive here!